For 30 years and counting, Hamer Environmental has turned natural resource concerns into actionable opportunities.
Hamer Environmental’s agile approach to addressing the needs of our customers, in both the public and private sectors, allows us to meet the moment and create solutions for today’s most pressing challenges—working across areas of environmental policy (NEPA), sustainability, and protected species.
Highlighted Projects
Supporting Klamath Basin Conservation Grantmaking Programs for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
We’re partnering with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to help ensure that their grant-making efforts comply with federal environmental regulations. We’re taking charge of reviewing all the necessary NEPA, ESA, NHPA, and CEQA documents for two U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) grant programs: the Klamath River Coho Restoration Grant Program and the Trinity River Restoration Program (one of the largest river restoration projects in the U.S designed to restore threatened and endangered fish populations).
Collaborative Partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Offshore Wind Energy Development Projects
We're passionate about helping to bring sustainable energy solutions to the world by proudly playing a key role in the process with the direct work our Biologists are doing to support the environmental review process for FAST-41 Offshore Wind Energy Projects on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. We’re working closely with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Massachusetts Regional Office) to make sure that these complex Offshore Wind Energy infrastructure projects have the smoothest possible journey from concept to reality.
Advocating for Northern Spotted Owl Via Analyses, and Biological Reviews for the Eugene Water & Electric Board
We are thrilled to be working on the Carmen-Smith Hydroelectric Project. This exciting project is located 70 miles east of Eugene, Oregon, and we're tasked with evaluating its potential impact on special-status wildlife species, particularly the federally threatened northern spotted owl. Not only are we keeping an eye on the owls, but Hamer is also authoring a comprehensive Biological Evaluation to determine the potential impact of construction on other special-status fish and wildlife species.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Support for the National Park Service
We are thrilled to be a part of the NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) process for the California Condor Protection and Restoration Plan for Redwood National Park, California. Bringing this project to life was a true team effort, with organizations like the NPS, USFWS, Yurok Tribe, CDFW, Ventana Wildlife Society, Sequoia Park Zoo, and more working together to give these magnificent birds a chance to soar.