Environmental Planning Services
Our team’s deep knowledge of environmental planning and permitting makes us exceptionally qualified to help you navigate the regulatory landscape—we promise it isn’t so scary. From NEPA compliance, environmental impact assessments, public involvement, and more, we can ensure your project is successful.
We understand that navigating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance process can seem challenging and time-consuming. Our NEPA experts are here to help.
Providing you:
NEPA Compliance Services
Project Scoping
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Environmental Assessments (EA)
Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Records of Decision (ROD)
Categorical Exclusions (CatEx)
Administrative Records
Field Evaluations
Third-party Technical Review
Successful and timely project approval relies on effective collaboration with the public. We are experts in communicating and dissecting complex ideas. We can help be the voice of your project.
We’re your people for:
Public Involvement and Outreach
Public Scoping Assistance
Environmental Mediation
Environmental Facilitation
Comment Review and Processing
State Environmental Policy Act Compliance
We have found that careful analysis of impacts and effective engagement of the public allow for a smooth compliance process for proposed development projects. Our staff are ready to get to work for you.
We’re big fans of:
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) compliance
SEPA Checklists
SEPA Determination of Significance (DS) Assistance
SEPA Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) Assistance
SEPA Notice of Action Taken (NAT) Assistance
California Environmental Quality Act compliance
CEQA Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
CEQA Negative Declaration (ND) Assistance
CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Assistance
NEPA Discipline Studies
We’re at your service for a range of other NEPA studies and discipline support.
We’ve got your back with:
Threatened and Endangered Species Studies
Biological Assessments (BA)
Section 7 ESA consultations
Section 4(f) and 6(f) compliance
Environmental Justice analysis
Prime Farmland conversion analysis
Migratory Bird Treaty Act compliance
Environmental Permitting
Our team has in-depth and up-to-date environmental permitting expertise, providing you with a streamlined permitting process. We maintain excellent relationships with regulating authorities, allowing us to effectively negotiate for our clients. Let our permitting team save you time and money in obtaining your project permits.
We’re big fans of:
Joint Aquatic Resource Project Applications (JARPA)
Hydraulic Project Approvals (HPA)
Wetland Mitigation Plans
Stream Restoration Plans
404(B)(1) Analysis