Aquatic & Fisheries Services
Our fisheries biologists, stream restoration experts, and professional wetland scientists are ready to dive into your aquatic resources projects. From surveys for aquatic organisms to water quality monitoring and everything in between, our team ensures zero headaches and successful outcomes.
Fish Passage and Habitat Enhancement Projects
Our team has helped navigate the planning, design, and construction phase of dozens of fish passage projects in the Pacific Northwest. We’re all about timely delivery of our environmental services to provide maximum benefit to the target species.
Making a splash with:
Fish Passage Assessments
Fish Exclusion Planning
NEPA/SEPA Compliance
Endangered Species Act (ESA) Compliance
Biological Assessments
Environmental Permitting including JARPA/404-401, 402 (NPDES), HPAs, and FHEP
Wetland and Stream Delineation
Evaluating Design Alternatives
Providing Recommendations for Stream, Riparian Habitat, and LWD Design
Reaching Consensus with Environmental Regulatory Agencies and Tribal Governments
Fish Handling and Exclusion
With biologists who are Smith-Root certified in electro-shocking and WSDOT-certified fish moving leads, we’re ready to help your next in-water project.
We’re your team for:
Fish Exclusion and Removal
Fish Herding, Seining, and Electro-shocking
Safe Handling of Fish
Fish Identification
Fisheries and Wildlife Studies
Our knowledgeable fisheries specialists and biologists are committed to excellence in scientific research. We look forward to using a scientific approach to provide clear, concise, and comprehensive information, tailored to your needs.
We’ve got you covered with:
Fish and Amphibian Population Monitoring
Adult and Juvenile Snorkel Surveys
Spawner and Redd Surveys for Salmonids
Rotary-Screw Trap and Fish Weir Operation
Coded Wire Tag and PIT Tag-Based Studies
Forage Fish Surveys (marine)
WDFW-Certified Forage Fish Biologists
Water Quality and Habitats
We conduct a variety of environmental and hydrological studies and monitoring programs. From wetland assessments, stream typing, water quality monitoring, and more, we’ve got you covered.
We’re your people for:
Ambient Water Quality Monitoring
Benthic Macroinvertebrate (BMI) Collection and Taxonomy
Hydrologic Monitoring of Wetlands and Streams
Wetland and Stream Delineations and Monitoring
Stream and Wetland Mitigation/Restoration Plans
Stream Typing Surveys
Stream Flow Studies
USFS Stream Assessment Biologists
Riparian Habitat Monitoring
Habitat Management Plans
Construction Site Monitoring